Friday, April 1, 2016

Hair & Society

I'm sorry if this is TMI, but I have to get this off my chest.

You see my hair and me... we go WAY back. I didn't HAVE hair for most of my teenage years due to an undiagnosed syndrome (meaning, I didn't have functioning ovaries that could make my body develop... or grow legs or armpit hair) so when I got my period (at age 18) I was more than excited. Blood came and I was like "WOW, I'M A WOMAN." (Yeah, society made me think if I didn't bleed every month I wasn't a "woman") and then hair came and I was like "OMG WHY DO GIRLS DO THIS SHIT EVERY FEW WEEKS?"
Over the course of three years I've tried EVERYTHING. Plucking or threading makes my pores bleed because I have sensitive skin and that shit is painful, shaving decorates my leg with beautiful ingrown hairs that hurt like a bitch. So either way, I was fucked up and doomed to a life of PAIN.

I start classes again tomorrow (It's summer where I live, so we just came back to school from our 3 month vacation) and I decided to pluck those bastard hairs like they're the demon itself.
Aaaaaaaand I got an allergic reaction. Swollen pores, itchy skin, hot-red legs.
As I was crying and searching for my meds, I thought, why do I even TRY to make the hair that naturally grows disappear? 
The answer is simple. Because I feel prettier that way.
For a moment, let me say this: Society imposes standards that are IMPOSSIBLE to achieve. Like, I have to have TONS of hair on my head, eyelashes and eyebrows and NONE everywhere else? It doesn't work like that! IT GROWS EVERYWHERE. I shouldn't feel less than beautiful weather I chose to shave or not.
But of course society made me feel my whole life like it hurts to be "pretty".

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